This is where Bags of Love all began. Using only the finest materials, our artisan experts lovingly make your personalised bags by hand, caring about each individual stitch to produce the best possible finish. From clutch bags printed with photos of all the girls to personalised kids bags for school, there's a bag for every occasion. Ever since we started producing bespoke bags in 2003, we've harboured a great sense of pride surrounding our specialist printing process and traditional craftsmanship. Working with quality fabrics such as Italian nappa leather, lustrous satin, patent vinyl and faux suede, your personalised bags are beautifully constructed and have a lifetime guarantee.
Whether you need personalised bags for girls to keep their ballet shoes in, or personalised bags for boys so they can keep muddy boots away from clean clothes, everything is built from scratch giving you a truly bespoke photo gift. Our accessories are no different and it's why we're able to offer such a variety of gifts in different fabrics, sizes and other product options. Personalised bags are perfect gifts for your friends and family and we can make them for next day delivery, so even if you're a 'last minute' type of person, we've got you covered.